Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 6, 2018

"The Imitation Game": Talent and tragedy of gay decadent Alan Turing

"The Imitation Game": Talent and tragedy of gay decadent Alan Turing

No matter the climactic or live effects, the movie "The Imitation Game" about mathematicians - decoding genius Alan Turing is still sufficiently voted as biopic science movie that everyone should see at least one times.
It is no coincidence that The Imitation Game was nominated for an Academy Award nomination for "Best Picture". And it is no coincidence that Alan Turing is considered one of Benedict Cumberbatch's most prolific actors. You can watch justice league war. Because of the story of the great mathematician Alan Turing himself, who has been steadfastly and quietly fighting in the decisive battle of World War II, has been a story enough to take away the tears of the viewer. , even though the movie is not romantic.

The film begins with the narrative of Alan Turing's character (Benedict Cumberbatch) in modern times, in 1952, after the end of World War II and Turing was imprisoned for homosexuality - It was considered illegal at the time. Watch movie agents of shield season 4 netflix. Although the biopic is about the war, but under the hands of director Morten Tyldum, the film is not dry and even attracted viewers to the point of not leaving the screen even half a minute. and focus on Alan Turing's Enigma deciphering battle with the 8th Hut.

During World War II, the Germans used the Enigma machine to communicate with the optimal security of this superior encoder. From the basic information such as the weather forecast of the day to important messages such as tactics, the location of the ship, the time of the campaign ... are exchanged by the Nazis after encrypted via Enigma. In order to win this war, deciphering the Enigma was a crucial task for the Allies. In England, the task was assigned to a group of mathematicians, linguists and decoders at Bletchley Park, MI6. The focal point of the project is the genius eccentric mathematician Alan Turing, of the Hut 8 decoding group in the MI6 project.

In fact, the great mathematician, also the father of artificial intelligence, thinks that a human is no different from a machine until they truly prove they are human. And indeed, following Turing's footsteps throughout the length of the film, the viewer not only witnessed the brainwashing process of creating the Enigma decoder, the foundation of computer science and artificial intelligence. Later on, but also following the process of Turing grappling with his own self, step out of prejudice and become a real person.

It was Alan Turing who lived with his childhood memories of his childhood friend and homosexual lover for his eccentric nature. It was Alan Turing who looked so rigid and arrogant but deep inside that he was a wounded soul and was eager to live, be loved and be devoted to the ordinary people in society. But despite his great contributions to the war, Turing still faces the tragic end of his life just because he was labeled "guilty" of homosexuality at the time.

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With the structure of three: the past (childhood of Alan Turing at school), the present (the work of deciphering the Enigma in the war) and the future (1952, after the war and Alan Turing facing charges Alan Turing's portrayal of the character is "clever", but also "human".

Viewers can only meet Christopher in Turing's childhood memories (Alex Lawther assumes the role of a young child), when this smart student is often teased and bullied by his special personality. Among his peers, only Christopher stood guard and stayed with Turing, and he was also the one who had brought the future mathematician into the path of cryptanalysis. Handwritten pieces, cryptographic lines that only two people understand ... all these little scenes are subtle enough to depict the impact of childhood memories on Alan Turing's later closeness. There is no need for any hot scenes when the movie is considered an LGBT topic.

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